I have been struggling with my emotions for the past few weeks and all I ever wanted to do was sleep so that I would not drown myself into serious thoughts. But sleeping is just a temporary escape and eventually I had to deal with the heaviness of my heart. And I thought the best way to start coping is to do the one thing I really love -- nail art.
As the title suggests, this nail design is inspired by coffee. This was not a random idea. My short lived drama started after meeting an old friend for coffee. But first, let's talk about the design.

Coffee Nail Art Design by Simply Rins
I decided to do accent nails, one on each hand. I decided to paint coffee cups on the accent nails and do some water marbling on the other nails. I wanted the coffee cups to really stand out and I figured that marbling would be a good idea to do that.

China Glaze Mahogany Magic
I used China Glaze Mahogany Magic as base color, even for the water marbling. This is 2 coats and wore it for a day before deciding to do some nail art painting. Consistency was a bit thick and so I found application a bit tricky too. After coating a few nails, I decided to add a small amount of polish thinner and it helped create a more manageable consistency.
The coffee cup design was hand painted using acrylic paint and a detailing nail art brush. I made sure to mix a very light tan color to complement the chocolate-y background.

From left: China Glaze Electric Pineapple, Papaya Punch, and Mahogany Magic
For the swirls, I chose China Glaze Electric Pineapple and Papaya Punch because I thought it would really look good with Mahogany Magic. I wasn't sure what to expect knowing that I didn't have a white base color for the marbling. But overall, I was happy with the results. Both Electric Pineapple and Papaya Punch appeared much subtler over the brown base which I thought was perfect in maintaining the coffee theme that I was aiming for.

I got the coffee cup design from one of the chairs I saw at a local spa that I recently visited with that old friend I mentioned earlier. It was straightforward and simple so I doodled it for a future nail design. And somehow, it found its way in 2 of my nails last night.
I love coffee until the time I started freehand nail art. I lessened my coffee intake just so I can control the shaking of my hands when I do nail painting. But after experiencing a very frustrating and humiliating Saturday last week, I now associate coffee with honesty. Sounds weird?
Well, I decided to open myself and be honest about my feelings towards a friend. In the end, I got laughed at and judged. It was not my finest moment but I didn't regret my choice to be truthful. My only regret is believing that what we had was strong enough to withstand the challenges of renewing our friendship.

It would have been amazing to have a friend in him (yes, it's a guy) as he was the perfect gentleman back then. I guess some people really do change over time. But I'd rather keep the good memories of him than to continue with bad ones.
Let me end my cheesiness with this quote I found online:
It's hard when you miss someone so much and you can't do anything about it. Because having that space between the two of you, is the only way to make things right.

On a lighter note, did you notice that the coffee cup on my right hand is not centered? I wanted to redo it but painting outlines with my weaker hand is not so fun. But being an OC, it has been bothering me ever since.
Thank you for reading my babble, I know that the sentiments I wrote here is actually more for me. But I know that writing about it will help me move forward. :)
What do you think of my coffee nail design?

One of the worst things somebody can do is laugh at you when you are opening up to them. I have had this happen in the past & for a while it made me want to hold things inside for fear of being ridiculed. Thankfully, I have gotten over that & found that being honest really does payoff in the long run. If anything, you at least feel good that you made the right choice, even if your friend did not.
ReplyDeleteI love this design, I still haven't tried water marbling, I think I'm too worried about all the cleaning up around the cuticles & making a really big mess of it.
I love this nail design. This is sooooooo amazing!!!
ReplyDeleteWho needs men when you have beautifully made nails????
we'll get by with a smile. cheers! awesome freehand nail art!
ReplyDeleteBo's coffee?
ReplyDeletelove love love :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful marble, I love how it turned out! Also, THIS: "I lessened my coffee intake just so I can control the shaking of my hands when I do nail painting." TRUE FACT, the shakes are the worst. I'm sorry your coffee meeting didn't go well and he wasn't receptive/kind, but good for you for speaking your mind/heart -- you can never go wrong being your true self... the loss is his.
ReplyDeleteI wish I had hands like yours, super cute talaga!
ReplyDeleteThis manicure is the cutest, loveliest one I've seen in a very long time. Maybe it's because I love coffee and drink lots of it every day---hot, iced, love it both ways!
ReplyDeleteI just stumbled upon your blog, and had to tell you I really like it. I subscribed by email so I can follow you!
The jerk who laughed at you is obviously not worthy of you. I am so sorry that you felt so bad and had to endure this emotional roller coaster because of him; that said, I think it's a good thing that you opened up and expressed how you felt and what was on your mind. Now, you seemed to have pulled yourself together somewhat (believe me, I understand you still have feelings to work through). I am sure you will able to do so, because you sound like a wonderful, sweet and caring young woman and good things will surely come to you in time.
Take care and I wish you many hugs and keep doing your nail art; it's gorgeous and I (and many others) enjoy seeing it. ;)
When I came to this post my first words were oooooh! I have been watching tutorials of water marbling for the past few days and want to try it so bad. It looks simple enough but I'm wondering if the polishes I have will work. Do you have video tutorials of your work?
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to know that there are people out there who can relate and understand what it is like to open up yourself to someone only to make you feel like a fool (for lack of a better term). But I've always believe that it is better to say what's in your heart than to let moments pass by. Thank you for your comforting words.
Yes, water marbling can be messy. But I guess once you get the hang of it, it gets simpler and cleanup becomes easier. :)
@Gervin Macey
ReplyDeleteHaha! That surely is one way of looking at this. ;)
@Nail Nerd
ReplyDeleteYeah, I think the shaking is one of the problems when it comes to nail painting. And yes, avoiding caffeine has been a big help for me to control the shaking.
Thank you, I feel a little better now. :)
ReplyDeleteWelcome to Simply Rins!
I'm glad you found my blog and liked it. It's always nice to meet new friends. Thank you for subscribing. :)
In his defense, he wasn't really a jerk. I guess he was just being true to himself. I just didn't like how our talk went. I knew he was going thru some hardships and probably I was not as important as some other things in his life. But thank you very much for believing that things will turn around for me. I need all the positive energies I can get! :)
@Michelle @Radiant Brown Beauty
ReplyDeleteYes, you may browse the tutorials link in the header or check out my YouTube channel (link at the sidebar).
Thanks! :)
Great idea! Very sweet!
ReplyDeleteIt is a wonderful design and very lovely nails - hugs! Had the same thing happen to me on more then one occasion and it sucks but in the end you find you that the person was just not worth it and you are better off without them!
ReplyDeletehi rins, your nail designs are absolute love!! I always check your blog for nails-piration! :)
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to ask what you do to clean up your cuticles/nails after painting them? I use a nail brush and polish remover but it doesn't seem effective, compared to using pure acetone -- which we know is harmful when used consistently. or maybe I'm just using a milder brand? :)
Anyway, I hope things will turn out to be better/well for you. I know you need time to work this out but you've been good to your heart by being truthful :) I wish for better days to come sooner.
love the nail design...getting ready to try it now...as for the friend, sometimes you cannot go back...you have to look deep at the "nature" of that person before you share...so it was a learning experience. They did not deserve your friendship nor do you deserve a friend like that. If this wasn't a forum I would share one that would certainly knock your socks off...a 40 year friendship down the drain but now I see how much better off I am! The truth is "they" loose a good friend, sucks to be them!
ReplyDeleteHowever, say you do consider this method, the coffee will not wash over your teeth and so will not have a chance to stain them. Coffee Reviews