Nail Art: Four Frankensteins

For my 3rd Halloween nail art design installment for this year, I decided to recreate Halloween's green monster. As the title suggests, I painted four Frankensteins for this nail design, 2 on each hand. If I had more time, I would have painted him on all my nails. That would have been more fun!

This is a freehand nail design. I have been asked several times if the nail art I post here are my creations or, are they nail stickers. I have disclosed that yes, I paint my own nails and create these nail designs personally. I am in the process of publishing a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page to serve as reference to future inquiries.

Four Frankenstein Nail Art Design
Four Frankensteins Nail Art Design by Simply Rins

Base colors are 2 coats of China Glaze Tree Hugger for the green, and Color Club Paris White for the accent nails. I also used Tree Hugger for Frankenstein's face for consistency.

For the other details of the design, I used black acrylic paint, a detailing and stripper nail art brush.

I am personally not so fond of wearing green. I only have a few shades on my stash and I bought them mostly for nail art purposes. Aside from Zoya Shawn, I am surprised to have like Tree Hugger.

Four Frankenstein Nail Art Design

I made 4 accent nails for this Halloween nail art design. On my left hand, Frankenstein can be seen on my ring and index finger. He's on my pinky and middle finger on my right hand. I painted stitches on all the other nails. If you have the time, you could probably paint all your nails with Frankenstein and create different facial expressions.

Four Frankenstein Nail Art Design

Out of personal preference, each Frankenstein is facing another Frankenstein, sort of like a mirror image. I also painted him in 3/4 perspective, an effect that you can simple create by making one eye smaller than the other. I wanted a little white to show just to break the monotony of the green.

I did a Frankenstein Halloween nail art last year that you can view here. I was new at freehand nail painting then and decided to take it slow by starting with simple shapes that is easy for my weaker hand to do. It has been a year since then and I want to believe that my skills have improved.

Four Frankenstein Nail Art Design

To fellow nail art enthusiasts who are starting to explore freehand nail art, I know that there will be times of frustrations, but with a little practice, you'll eventually develop the skill.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank those who have sent me messages via the contact form. I am happy to help you in any way I can.

Tutorial will be posted soon! Subscribe here so you won't miss a thing!

What do you think of this Frankenstein Halloween nail art design?


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  1. Of course your skills have improved, last year Frankenstein was very good for me, but your actual Frankenstein... is perfect. I understand people ask you if your creations are freehand or are stickers, because they are perfect :D


  2. Very cool, they look so cute! You did a great job!

  3. you're getting better with every post :-D
    love your frankie, he's not scary at all ;-)

  4. :))) you heve so many ideas!! very very trendy

  5. omg, soo cute!
    It was cute the first time, now is even cuterr!
    Def one of my favorite designs!


  6. I want my nails done like that, Rins!

  7. This is so great, I'm totally inspired! Love seeing your post for last year too -- I feel like I'm just starting to get comfortable with some stuff but still frustrated with imperfections, seeing where you're at gives me a lot of hope! :)

  8. Hi, girls!

    I just woke up and it's 8:45am here. Reading all your wonderful comments is better than breakfast! What a good way to start the day. Thank you, really. :)

  9. Hi, dementia!
    Orman suggested that I should always carry with me a nail art kit. I think I will, so that next time we see each other, I can do your nails! :)

  10. This one is awesome! You absolutely blow me away with how sharp your images are!

  11. I love ur halloween manis...they are soo cute!!

  12. Wow! Your skills have certainly improved. You give me such great motivation to keep going and keep developing my own skills! This manicure just like all your manicures is amazing!!!

  13. Thank you for all the kind words, ladies! It is touching to know that my work gives you inspiration and motivation. Keep painting those nails! ;)
