Nail Art: Little Pink Pigs

Do you remember my Three Little Pigs nail art design last year? It was one of my first attempts with freehand nail painting. Well, I thought of creating another pig inspired nail design. But instead of just 3 pigs, I decided to paint one on all my nails! Yes, another fun nail design!

Little Pink Pigs Nail Art Design 03
Little Pink Pigs Nail Art Design by Simply Rins

My idea was to paint little pink pigs on my nail tips. I decided to use a dark brown base color for the pigs to pop. I used 2 coats of Essie Chocolate Kisses as base color and I thought it complemented pink really well. Applying the first coat was streaky but the second one covered all the imperfections. It finishes quite shiny too! Lovely color! I can't believe I haven't used this till now.

Little Pink Pigs Nail Art Design 02
Super little pink pig on my pinky finger.

From a distance, the mani looks like pink french tips! It looks really cute (on a personal perspective)! It's enough to make people interested ... or stare before actually asking if they could see the nail design up close.

Little Pink Pigs Nail Art Design 01

All the piglets were hand painted using acrylic paint. I particularly enjoyed painting the super little pigs on my pinky fingers. Honestly, I was supposed to paint one pig on each hand as accent nail. But after painting one, I couldn't resist not painting a pig on every nail instead. The cuteness was irresistible, for me at least. :)

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Not so little pink pigs on my thumbs.

My nails on both my thumbs are much wider than the rest of my nails. And so the pigs appeared bigger on them. I could probably say that they are Papa Pig and Mama Pig!

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After creating this little pink pigs nail art design, I am inspired to do other animals. So watch out for other little creatures inspired nail art!

Would you wear this nail design? What do you think?


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  1. Omg thats cute!!! i love piggies!

  2. I remember the original piggies you did!! These look just as cute :-)

  3. hello there. I am your new fan.....Your tutorials are very helpful. In fact I already tried your strawberry design on my nails....Cool di halata na di ako marunong mag it.....

  4. So Cute!
    I love them!!!!
    You're an artist.
    Kisses ( My blog about polishes)

  5. You are all sweet! :)

    Hello to new friends! I hope my nail designs will continue to inspire you! I'd appreciate if you can send photos of your work. :)

    You may want to join our Facebook community at

  6. joined your FB fan

  7. Those pigs are the cutest things! I love them!

  8. omg, the piglets are so cute, i must try this :-D

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Yey! I would love to see your versions of these piglets! :)

  11. Wow!! :) I have this design last March :) you can see it here:

    Yours is better and much much clean. Also if you wander around that page you can see my version of your valentine's nail. :) I hope you'll like it :)

  12. Hi Rina! I am always inspired to make better nail art designs because of you. You have an amazing talent! I am about to film a tutorial right now so I checked your design first. Is it considered plagiarism if I do a version of this and upload it on my channel? I am not that good compared to you though so the outcome would surely be different! hahah ^_^

  13. Hi, Kristine!
    I would very much appreciate if you could credit my nail design as the inspiration for your tutorial. A few fellow nail artists have already posted a tutorial for my little pink pigs nail art too. Thanks for letting me know. :)

  14. I have a minipig, so I MUST DO these nails!!!! OMG, I melted inside! :D


  16. These are so darn cute! I have loved and collected piggies since I was a baby, I just ordered some pig nail decals online that didn't work out and was super disappointed :-( But I came across this and am hoping somebody in my area is capable of something even half this cute!!

  17. @Corrie
    I'm so glad that you found my blog. I hope you'd be able to get more nail art ideas to try out. :) I so love these piggies too. I have done this nail art on a few friends and they had fun with it. :)
