Nail Art: Spot the Christmas Tree

It's Christmas Day in less than 24 hours in my part of the world and although I'm feeling under the weather for quite awhile, I can't resist not having to share at least one more Christmas nail art design. Since the previous one was red themed, I figured I should do something green for a traditional color match.

The concept was rather simple -- different sizes and green shades of polka dots. But I decided to add a twist. The title is a giveaway. Take a look at the results:

Spot the Christmas Tree Nail Art Design by Simply Rins

I needed something easy to do too because having a persistent cold is such a hassle during nail art sessions. And so my circles are far from perfect, but I loved the outcome anyway. Moments like these makes me wish for bigger dotting tools. :)

Spot the Christmas Tree Nail Art

I used a white background with 2 coats of Dazzle White Lightning. Initially, I thought of using a neutral hue as base to achieve a vintage look but backed out the last minute.

The design is freehand and painted using a detail nail art brush and acrylic paints.

Nail Art: Spot the Christmas Tree

I mentioned earlier that I added a twist to this polka dots inspired Christmas nail art. I did so by painting a small Christmas Tree on the biggest circle. I really think it made this design look more interesting. It is a subtle addition, but I liked it.

I also added a few tiny black dots to fill awkward spaces.

Spot the Christmas Tree Nail Art by Simply Rins

I know this is not much, but I am hoping that you'll like the simplicity as much as I do. It's raining as I write this and it's very gloomy outside. I'm praying for a better weather come Christmas. On the other hand, it has been cold for a few nights and have been enjoying a cup of hot chocolate ever since.

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and may your nails be as merry. :)


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  1. I absolutely love these, Rina. Hoping you get to feeling better soon. Being sick is not fun at all. Merry Christmas to you my friend! Hugs!

  2. Looks beautiful and really chrismassy! Merry Christmas Rina!~

  3. Beautiful! :-) Merry Christmas and all the best! :-)

  4. This is lovely, Rins. I hope your cold is better now, and that you had a wonderful Christmas. I'm really looking forward to the designs and advice you will have for us throughout the New Year. May it be a happy and prosperous one for you and all your loved ones.

  5. I love keeping my nails clean and perfect. I always take care of things, but I think your list is going to help me keep them even better. Thanks for sharing these tips. Will definitely keep these in mind the next time I visit a Nail Salon.
