Nail Art Quote Picture No.5

"Nail art is a learning process."

I look at nail art designing like going to school because I think it is a learning process. Would you agree? A nail artist can only discover his/her personal style and the techniques that would work for him/her in time, through experience. Honestly, I am still learning a lot as I do nail art. I hope nail art beginners would realize this and be more patient when they stumble into difficulties along the way. Like going to school, everyone starts from first grade. And even after graduation, we don't stop learning to better ourselves. The same holds true with nail art.

Nail Art Quote Picture No.5
Nail art used for photo is Blue Wave.

Note: This nail art quote is a personal insight.


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  1. I completely agree, I look back at things I did when I first started nail art and I get to appreciate how far I've come ! I'm not amazing by any means but I'm ten times better and getting better every day ! :)

    1. I honestly feel the same way! When I look at the pictures of my early nail art designs, it's nice to realize the improvement along the way. It is actually inspiring. :)

  2. I agree too, and I hope I never stop learning - not just in painting, but in everything else in life. I mean I'm 60 later this year, but the day I stop learning, I hope I die :)

    1. I believe what you just said, 100%! We should never stop learning. It is impossible to be perfect. But it is always possible to be better. :)

  3. as usually, you're right even this time :D
    but not just nail art, the whole life is learning process, i agree with maria on that :D
    and i'm glad i'm getting better in nail art, some of my earlier attempts are pure horror... although, i still have a lot to learn, i'm still not satisfied with everything i do ;)

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