Nail Art: Forever Crimson

I'm trying to grow my nails longer than its usual length. I'm enjoying painting them when they're longer. Unfortunately, it's getting harder for me to draw. As a cartoonist, I need to hold my pens firmly. Having long nails is a disadvantage. But I love doing both -- nail art and cartooning! Compromise! Long but not too long. :)

Anyway, I recently attended an awarding party and I really wanted to wear my signature color (i.e. red). I prepared my red dress and colored my nails red! Red is and probably will be my lucky and favorite color. And since I got lucky with my entry to a contest, I figured I should wear red. I added gold nail art to dress it up. I heard that red, when combined with gold is luckier.

Nail Art - Forever Crimson 01
This look is achieved with 1 layer of base coat, 2 layers of Orly Forever Crimson, and a layer of top coat. It's important to always use a base coat to protect your nails from turning yellowish.

Nail Art - Forever Crimson 03
I simply love this rose design from the Konad m53 image plate. I used the gold Konad special polish. Up close, it looks really pretty. But the design is subtle and almost undetected from a distance. I thought it would have been better if the gold will stand out more.

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Partners 01
My red dress, my red polished nails, my prize, and my partner!
Will be writing a different post about the awarding party.


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