Winning and Purple

July 09, 2010. I was blog hopping and stumbled on an interesting site -- Hello to Earth - traveling the globe one step at a time. The author, Lilia, was having a contest. I simply have to answer 2 questions and submit the answer by posting a comment in her contest entry. I tried my luck and joined.

Two weeks after, I received an email from Lilia, notifying me that I won her contest! I've never won anything online before and this was really a surprise. And yes, I got excited. :) After a few email exchanges, I finally met Lilia last Thursday to get my prizes.

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Posing with Lilia right after she handed me a fabulous purple handbag. Coincidentally, I was wearing a striped purple blouse that I borrowed from my sister! I should also mention that I colored my nails purple that day too which I'll feature in a separate post. So do come back very soon!

Let's take a look with what I got.

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The shiny purple bag. This wasn't posted in the contest entry, so it really put a smile on my face that Lilia included it to carry all the prizes.

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A peek at what's inside. It was definitely a purple day!

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The prizes, up close and personal.

Victoria's Secret Love Spell Body Splash
Victoria's Secret Love Spell Hydrating Body Lotion
Victoria's Secret Love Spell Body Wash
Tree Top Adventure Gift Certificate (Silver Surfer)
Bratpack Discount Card
Seattle's Best Discount Coupons
Go Green Organic Body Bar
and the Victoria's Secret Purple Bag!

Thanks again to Hello to Earth! :)


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